In their book Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising, online marketing and Facebook ad experts Perry Marshall, social media marketing for small business Keith Krance and Thomas Meloche explain the game-changing tactics of paid Facebook Ads and how you can gain more on your investment—in clicks, customers and profits. In this edited excerpt, Marshall and Krance describe a three-pronged approach to advertising on Facebook that will help you craft a long-term strategy. If you want to really stand out from your competition and make Facebook a never-ending gold mine that you can be digging into for years to come, then you need to put some time into thinking very strategically about everything you do on Facebook and start thinking about everything you do as part of a three-layer Facebook funnel. With your Facebook ads, you should always be thinking of how you can focus on all three layers. But don’t try to create one ad that does all three. Instead, create multiple ads or posts that will each achieve one of these goals. Here's how to do that.
Previously known as Pinreach, Tailwind tracks activity across Pinterest about your company, best social media marketing products and competitors. Pinterest is often overlooked when discussing tools for social media management, but depending on your business, it might be the driving force in traffic, branding and revenue. In addition to the general reporting of growth and engagement, you can connect Google Analytics to track conversions and see which activity is most profitable.Postling is perfect for businesses looking to expand their reach across social networks. Keeping track of responses, brands and people, this tool sends a daily digest of your recent activity across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogs, Yelp, YouTube and Flickr. One cool feature is tracking news every time your business or brand is mentioned on the web. With a click, you’ll be able to share that tweet or review.

BuzzSumo is a tool that gives you social data on top performing content and influencers based on your search queries. how to social media marketing By entering a topic, domain or specific keyword, your results will be nothing short of relevant. Filtering your search by time frame will show you the most shared content over time, which can give you insight to trends or help with generating ideas for your own content! With this tool, you can view who has shared a specific piece of content and create a list of influencers based on your interest. The pro plans allow you to closely monitor keywords, domains or authors by setting up alerts when new content is published. With great data readily available, this tool is one you’ll want to use frequently to stay on top of the latest buzz in your field.Shoutlet is enterprise-level social marketing software that aims to help companies understand their market, grow their social database and drive their business by creating a seamless platform that guides targeted campaigns through analytics.
Is it better if they become a fan first? Yes, of course it is; once they’re fans, social media marketing best practices you know they've raised their hand telling you they want more content from you. However, even if they're not fans but you know they are inside your exact, ideal target audience, then you can still create high-value content and amplify that content into the news feed of those folks!Creating high-value, nonselling content and amplifying that with Facebook ads in the news feed is how you engage with people and move them from strangers to friends, and eventually to customers. In addition to publishing and scheduling content, the streamlined community management platform makes it easy to create custom workflows to make sure the needs of all customers and fans are being addressed. The advance features in this social management tool are every marketer’s dream come true.
Previously known as Pinreach, Tailwind tracks activity across Pinterest about your company, best social media marketing products and competitors. Pinterest is often overlooked when discussing tools for social media management, but depending on your business, it might be the driving force in traffic, branding and revenue. In addition to the general reporting of growth and engagement, you can connect Google Analytics to track conversions and see which activity is most profitable.Postling is perfect for businesses looking to expand their reach across social networks. Keeping track of responses, brands and people, this tool sends a daily digest of your recent activity across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogs, Yelp, YouTube and Flickr. One cool feature is tracking news every time your business or brand is mentioned on the web. With a click, you’ll be able to share that tweet or review.

First layer: Build audience
Think of the first layer of the funnel as meeting your husband, wife or partner for the first time. social media marketing 2014 Your goal is to get them to like you. There are several ways to run audience-building campaigns, some of which include:Page like ads: using Facebook’s “page like” objective when running campaigns.Running “click like if you love baseball” types of ads.Rising a like-gated landing page, where the user must first click like in order to view the rest of your message.Running a contest or giveaway encouraging or requiring people to like a page.Running news feed page post ads, as a certain percentage of people will “like” your page during these campaigns. Social Mention is a real-time social media search and analysis tool that scrapes user generated content across the internet for any given company, product, or search term. In a single stream, this tool will give you the most recent relevant results, metrics on unique authors, reach, frequency of mentions, sentiment and top keywords. This tool should be on every social media manager’s shortlist.BuzzSumo is a tool that gives you social data on top performing content and influencers based on your search queries. how to social media marketing By entering a topic, domain or specific keyword, your results will be nothing short of relevant. Filtering your search by time frame will show you the most shared content over time, which can give you insight to trends or help with generating ideas for your own content! With this tool, you can view who has shared a specific piece of content and create a list of influencers based on your interest. The pro plans allow you to closely monitor keywords, domains or authors by setting up alerts when new content is published. With great data readily available, this tool is one you’ll want to use frequently to stay on top of the latest buzz in your field.Shoutlet is enterprise-level social marketing software that aims to help companies understand their market, grow their social database and drive their business by creating a seamless platform that guides targeted campaigns through analytics.
Second layer: Engagement
If you're using an email autoresponder at any level, then you'll understand the engagement level. how to start a social media marketing business This is where you deepen the relationship with your prospects, where you nurture them with your high-value content. (If you're not already using an email autoresponder, please start ASAP. You cannot be successful on Facebook without having some type of lead generating and nurturing campaign in place. Period.)Engaging on Facebook is obviously different than sending emails to your subscribers. However, the reason I use this as a comparison is to get you into the frame of mind of creating compelling content to keep your audience engaged and moving toward eventually becoming a customer or client. And great marketers understand that for every one promotional email they send out, they'll send four, five or more content-rich, nonselling emails.This is how you engage on Facebook. Yet the best part about Facebook is that your audience isn’t required to subscribe to your email list. They don’t even need to become a fan.Is it better if they become a fan first? Yes, of course it is; once they’re fans, social media marketing best practices you know they've raised their hand telling you they want more content from you. However, even if they're not fans but you know they are inside your exact, ideal target audience, then you can still create high-value content and amplify that content into the news feed of those folks!Creating high-value, nonselling content and amplifying that with Facebook ads in the news feed is how you engage with people and move them from strangers to friends, and eventually to customers. In addition to publishing and scheduling content, the streamlined community management platform makes it easy to create custom workflows to make sure the needs of all customers and fans are being addressed. The advance features in this social management tool are every marketer’s dream come true.
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