I love when I see friends and co-workers hopping aboard and starting to embrace social media as a regular part of their work or personal lives. using social media for marketing Because many people are still learning, some insider tips are helpful and crucial to their effectiveness on their social media channels. Here is a bevy of tips, plus a bonus “cheat sheet” SlideShare deck. A fan page is for your company Facebook page; a profile page is for your personal page. Remember the difference, or Facebook will shut your page down. That would be a major “fail.” Use the real estate available to you: Put up a great profile pic, have a bio, and add links to your other sites. Add pictures. Pictures enable people to see what your brand is about and realize it’s more than just a “logo.” Upload pictures from events, conferences, demos, and just the regular everyday awesomeness in your office. Be human! Don’t just post, post, post. No one wants to hear all about you, all the time. Ask questions, reply, and talk as you would in everyday life. Share other people’s posts. Engage and demonstrate that you value content and opinions from others, too. Connect your platforms. Did you write a blog post? Have it automatically post on your Facebook page so others can have access to it easily and quickly. Have contests or other exciting giveaways or events, which encourage both online and offline participation with your brand via Facebook. Update regularly, not occasionally. Fans grow accustomed to the regularity of posts; they will fall off your loyal fan wagon if you don’t keep up. Use Facebook Insights to monitor your success with your fans and to see why and when your fans’ activity increases or decreases. It’s helpful for future campaigns and promotions.
Be relevant. Post content that provides value to your target audience, but also add some fun stuff, too. The 80/20 rule is a great way to start out social media marketing strategies That’s 80 percent relevant content, 20 percent fun stuff. As seen below, Laughing Cow Cheese is always a great example of engagement, being human, and providing great relevant content on a consistent basis. Get a Twitter handle as simple and close to the name of you or your brand as possible. Refrain from names like Tommy9373, because no one will remember it. Again, use your real estate wisely. Have a relevant 140-character bio that catches the eye of your target audience; use a great picture for your profile, and because some people use Twitter.com versus Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, etc., make sure your Twitter background is up to par as well. Be polite. Don’t just blast out information. Twitter is a place for all of us to share, listen, chat together, and engage with one another. Remember: The words “please” and “thank you” are just as welcome in this space. Listen first; talk second. Set up columns in your Twitter apps, such as Tweetdeck or Hootsuite, to listen to your target audience easier and better. For example, have separate columns for clients, prospects, competition, etc. Use hashtags for events, conferences, products, etc., to promote more and listen better to the things people are saying about your brand, product, event, and so on. Retweet other people’s updates. It’s not all about your own content and opinion. Give credit where credit is due when curating other people’s content. Use a link shortener. It’s there to help you say more in this 140-character world.

Share links, photos, videos, and more. Don’t limit yourself to articles and blog posts. Follow back! Don’t be too cool to follow, because on Twitter we’re all a little nerdy. social media marketing lulemon is a great example of a brand that knows how to retweet, ask questions, engage, and truly show its followers that it cares about each of them and what they have to say. Create a strategy for the content you would like to cover in your blog. Focus on your marketing strategy and the value you would like to provide your target audience. This will help you avoid many of the common blogging mistakes. Have an editorial calendar to keep track of topics, bloggers, and deadlines. Invite guest bloggers to write posts. They will add some spice to your regular content. Post regularly or people forget you have a blog. Make sure your “share” buttons are easily visible so people can tweet, share, and like your posts.Put the “subscribe” buttons in a place where they won’t get lost. That way people can click and subscribe quickly and easily. Allow people to comment on your posts. Monitor them closely if you want to approve the comments before they’re made public. Including headings, subheadings, and list posts capture people’s attention. They’re easier to read than long paragraph after long paragraph. Add visual stimulation with videos, embeds, pictures, graphs, and the like. Show off your voice. Make it yours. Don’t be afraid to add a little pizzazz! The Purse Blog is unique and visually stimulating with its pictures and posts.
We live in an age of information overload and short attention spans. When it comes to capturing your audience’s attention, social media marketing plan take full advantage of every chance to communicate your message in a way that they’ll engage with!The best way to gain and keep your audience’s interest is by using effective visual content. Visual social media platforms like Pinterest can be a fabulous traffic source, if used correctly.When designing Pinterest graphics, make sure your readers know “what’s in it for them.” Take a look at the images below. They’re two separate styles of blog graphics for the SAME article. The top photo makes sense when it’s seen on the blog itself. However, when you take the photo away from the post, there’s no frame of reference for it. The bottom graphic, on the other hand, uses text to tell viewers exactly what they’ll get if they click on the pinned graphic. Always include the title of your blog post on your graphic. That way, when you pin it to Pinterest, users will have a frame of reference and want to read it. Over the last year, Facebook has been slowly making algorithm changes that have limited the number of people who see a page’s Facebook post. Pages can use these algorithm changes to their advantage by thinking of their page as a user resource, rather than a promotional tool.Build a page your customers would enjoy and then use that platform to delight them. Deliver posts that educate, entertain, inspire and inform to reach a wide Facebook audience.
Be relevant. Post content that provides value to your target audience, but also add some fun stuff, too. The 80/20 rule is a great way to start out social media marketing strategies That’s 80 percent relevant content, 20 percent fun stuff. As seen below, Laughing Cow Cheese is always a great example of engagement, being human, and providing great relevant content on a consistent basis. Get a Twitter handle as simple and close to the name of you or your brand as possible. Refrain from names like Tommy9373, because no one will remember it. Again, use your real estate wisely. Have a relevant 140-character bio that catches the eye of your target audience; use a great picture for your profile, and because some people use Twitter.com versus Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, etc., make sure your Twitter background is up to par as well. Be polite. Don’t just blast out information. Twitter is a place for all of us to share, listen, chat together, and engage with one another. Remember: The words “please” and “thank you” are just as welcome in this space. Listen first; talk second. Set up columns in your Twitter apps, such as Tweetdeck or Hootsuite, to listen to your target audience easier and better. For example, have separate columns for clients, prospects, competition, etc. Use hashtags for events, conferences, products, etc., to promote more and listen better to the things people are saying about your brand, product, event, and so on. Retweet other people’s updates. It’s not all about your own content and opinion. Give credit where credit is due when curating other people’s content. Use a link shortener. It’s there to help you say more in this 140-character world.

Connect your website or blog with your social media pages
After you have your social media profiles ready the next step is to connect your website with your social media pages. marketing by social media There is a certain procedure to follow for each platform and it is very important that you do it correctly. A correct binding between the two means that search engines and social media websites know which website corresponds to which social media page. For example when I created the Google+ page for reliablesoft.net, Google+ did not know that this was the official page of the site until I have added the publisher verification code on my site. I’d always believed Pinterest is best for organizations that have something visual to show: fashion, food, sports. But a client recently proved me wrong.An organization that provides software as a service to a very narrow audience tested pinning their blog posts to Pinterest. In some cases, the images from the blog posts were original—infographics, their product in use or PowerPoint decks—and in others, they used a paid Shutterstock account. They built boards based on their brand personas, representing five different segments, and got to work.After just one month, Pinterest became their number-one social network referral source. Take your most popular tweets and Facebook posts, or the ones you feel most passionately about, and use them to develop blog posts. You don’t have to write three pages; you don’t even have to write four paragraphs.Share links, photos, videos, and more. Don’t limit yourself to articles and blog posts. Follow back! Don’t be too cool to follow, because on Twitter we’re all a little nerdy. social media marketing lulemon is a great example of a brand that knows how to retweet, ask questions, engage, and truly show its followers that it cares about each of them and what they have to say. Create a strategy for the content you would like to cover in your blog. Focus on your marketing strategy and the value you would like to provide your target audience. This will help you avoid many of the common blogging mistakes. Have an editorial calendar to keep track of topics, bloggers, and deadlines. Invite guest bloggers to write posts. They will add some spice to your regular content. Post regularly or people forget you have a blog. Make sure your “share” buttons are easily visible so people can tweet, share, and like your posts.Put the “subscribe” buttons in a place where they won’t get lost. That way people can click and subscribe quickly and easily. Allow people to comment on your posts. Monitor them closely if you want to approve the comments before they’re made public. Including headings, subheadings, and list posts capture people’s attention. They’re easier to read than long paragraph after long paragraph. Add visual stimulation with videos, embeds, pictures, graphs, and the like. Show off your voice. Make it yours. Don’t be afraid to add a little pizzazz! The Purse Blog is unique and visually stimulating with its pictures and posts.
Add social media buttons on your website
Besides connecting your website with the respective business pages on social media, you also need to add social media buttons on your website so that readers can easily share your content. social media marketing strategy Depending on the platform there are many ways and plugins to do that, I suggest you search Google using “how to add social media buttons to xxxxxx” – replace xxxxx with the platform your website is based. For example if you are using wordpress search google for “how to add social media buttons to wordpress”.As a general rule of thumb, keep the buttons above the fold to increase exposure and have in mind that larger buttons get more clicks than smaller buttons. Seth Godin is one of the most successful bloggers in the marketing world, and he writes in two- to three-sentence paragraphs. He’s a master at expressing ideas that are thought-provoking and easy to read. People are pressed for time these days and content can be overwhelming, so make it valuable and easy to read.Another way to get ideas is to comment on the things you read, such as other people’s blogs and newsletters, media publications and anything else relevant to your business. You’re already absorbing the content and you probably have opinions when you’re reading it, so go ahead and comment on those blogs.One benefit of commenting is that people will start recognizing your name; another is it gives you material for a blog post.We live in an age of information overload and short attention spans. When it comes to capturing your audience’s attention, social media marketing plan take full advantage of every chance to communicate your message in a way that they’ll engage with!The best way to gain and keep your audience’s interest is by using effective visual content. Visual social media platforms like Pinterest can be a fabulous traffic source, if used correctly.When designing Pinterest graphics, make sure your readers know “what’s in it for them.” Take a look at the images below. They’re two separate styles of blog graphics for the SAME article. The top photo makes sense when it’s seen on the blog itself. However, when you take the photo away from the post, there’s no frame of reference for it. The bottom graphic, on the other hand, uses text to tell viewers exactly what they’ll get if they click on the pinned graphic. Always include the title of your blog post on your graphic. That way, when you pin it to Pinterest, users will have a frame of reference and want to read it. Over the last year, Facebook has been slowly making algorithm changes that have limited the number of people who see a page’s Facebook post. Pages can use these algorithm changes to their advantage by thinking of their page as a user resource, rather than a promotional tool.Build a page your customers would enjoy and then use that platform to delight them. Deliver posts that educate, entertain, inspire and inform to reach a wide Facebook audience.
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