In their book Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising, online marketing and Facebook ad experts Perry Marshall, how to start a social media marketing business Keith Krance and Thomas Meloche explain the game-changing tactics of paid Facebook Ads and how you can gain more on your investment—in clicks, customers and profits. In this edited excerpt, Krance and Meloche offer tips on using images in your Facebook ads to attract attention.In Facebook ads, the picture is flat out more important than the text. Perhaps 80 percent of the click-effectiveness of your ad will be determined by the image you choose and the headline you provide for that image, with 70 percent coming from the image alone.When you’re thinking about images on your ads, the question to ask yourself is, “How can I get the user to not merely notice my ad and click for pure curiosity’s sake, but be compelled to click on it and take the next action I've planned for them after they click?” When businesses launch social media campaigns, they generally focus on the major platforms.
Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are especially popular for business marketing, how to social media marketing since they boast large membership numbers and generally seem to bring the greatest return on investment. But new social media networks arrive on the scene each year with potential to grow in popularity the way Instagram, Snapchat, Vine and Pinterest have. For small businesses, lesser-known sites are a promising avenue to reach new customers. Since few companies utilize these sites for marketing, there is little competition for user attention. Brands can often benefit from these smaller sites catering to a niche in their search for a unique way to connect with customers.Everyone active in online user acquisition should devote a couple hours a week to testing and exploring such outlets. Start with these small-but-promising platforms.Traditional social networking tends to be a mishmash of everything. Users see cat videos mixed with pictures of friends’ lunches, as well as links to new products from their favorite brands.

Sharebloc began as a content delivery system called VendorStack, pulling content together and organizing it for readers. best social media marketing After several transformations, the site reinvented itself as Sharebloc, a B2B content delivery network focused on helping professionals learn and grow from each other.The site has been compared to LinkedIn for its desired customer base but it takes more of a content-driven approach. Users are encouraged to submit their own articles and share interesting content they find across the Internet. The result is a community of businesses helping each other grow. Visual content is an important part of social networking today. Pheed focuses on this, letting users share videos, photos and live broadcasts, as well as text-based content. Users have a variety of subscription options, ranging in price from $1.99 to $34.99 per month.
More than 200,000 people have signed up. Dixit concedes that most don't have a huge following and don't make much money, yet. social media marketing However, he believes a model that lets people make money off their social interactions has a future.A lot of people are afraid of technology nowadays because it may create the need for less jobs. We want to give the average person bills itself as a crowdsourcer of knowledge, serving as a gathering place for users to post content on “boards” shared with other members. This expands on the Pinterest concept of photos pinned to boards. caters to small business owners interested in becoming thought leaders in their respective industries.Using, you can create boards with content related to your own industry, attracting followers who share your interests. Many of the board topics are of interest to startups, since the sight was designed with the growing small business in mind.
Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are especially popular for business marketing, how to social media marketing since they boast large membership numbers and generally seem to bring the greatest return on investment. But new social media networks arrive on the scene each year with potential to grow in popularity the way Instagram, Snapchat, Vine and Pinterest have. For small businesses, lesser-known sites are a promising avenue to reach new customers. Since few companies utilize these sites for marketing, there is little competition for user attention. Brands can often benefit from these smaller sites catering to a niche in their search for a unique way to connect with customers.Everyone active in online user acquisition should devote a couple hours a week to testing and exploring such outlets. Start with these small-but-promising platforms.Traditional social networking tends to be a mishmash of everything. Users see cat videos mixed with pictures of friends’ lunches, as well as links to new products from their favorite brands.

Include pictures with words
Facebook lets you include text in images, which adds a new dimension to your ad. Done properly, social media marketing 2014 text in the image box will be much more visually powerful than the headline—meaning it will be read first.All of this can come across as “noise” to the average user, many of whom really would rather have a site that caters to his or her individual interests. Sulia’s content is segmented by topic to make it easy for users to connect with the networks they want. Members can choose from various channels, such as politics, arts and entertainment, sports or business.Users serve as content curators, posting photos, links to interesting stories, etc., to engage other members. When a user sees an interesting post, he can choose to like it, comment on it or share it on Facebook. Over time, Sulia users earn “trust” ratings, granted by other people on the site, that help their posts to be taken more seriously.Customers are increasingly turning to sites like Reddit for consolidated content.Sharebloc began as a content delivery system called VendorStack, pulling content together and organizing it for readers. best social media marketing After several transformations, the site reinvented itself as Sharebloc, a B2B content delivery network focused on helping professionals learn and grow from each other.The site has been compared to LinkedIn for its desired customer base but it takes more of a content-driven approach. Users are encouraged to submit their own articles and share interesting content they find across the Internet. The result is a community of businesses helping each other grow. Visual content is an important part of social networking today. Pheed focuses on this, letting users share videos, photos and live broadcasts, as well as text-based content. Users have a variety of subscription options, ranging in price from $1.99 to $34.99 per month.
Include strange or silly images
The goal is attention, so don’t be afraid to try strange or silly images. Be the shiny new object—the most interesting thing on the page. marketing by social media Groupon once ran an ad with an image of a little piglet in red rain boots standing in the mud. You couldn't help but want to click on the little pig -- it's adorable. Ads that fall into this category tend to fatigue more slowly. This social media network is trying to disrupt Facebook and others by sharing its ad revenue with the people who post on the site. Bubblews co-founder Arvind Dixit says he knows that people spend hours of valuable time each week populating social media sites with information. He thinks they should actually get paid for it. Facebook and the others started off like parks, a place where people come to chill out. But there was no commerce,'' he said. "As they got bigger, they had to figure out how to become a business, and they did it obtrusively.As you launch and refine your marketing campaigns, consider these growing social media sites as possible additions to your strategies.More than 200,000 people have signed up. Dixit concedes that most don't have a huge following and don't make much money, yet. social media marketing However, he believes a model that lets people make money off their social interactions has a future.A lot of people are afraid of technology nowadays because it may create the need for less jobs. We want to give the average person bills itself as a crowdsourcer of knowledge, serving as a gathering place for users to post content on “boards” shared with other members. This expands on the Pinterest concept of photos pinned to boards. caters to small business owners interested in becoming thought leaders in their respective industries.Using, you can create boards with content related to your own industry, attracting followers who share your interests. Many of the board topics are of interest to startups, since the sight was designed with the growing small business in mind.
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