As you know, there’s always something new to keep up with when it comes to managing your business presence on Facebook. social media marketing applications In this week’s issue of The Social Scoop, for our #1 featured article, I’ve rounded up not one but FIVE Facebook-related articles pertaining to recent changes as well as suggestions for improving your results. In fact, my blog post title here is a smidge mis-leading because the five featured articles actually include 6 Facebook updates, 23 example fan Pages and over 44 hot Facebook marketing tips! Woohoo!The blog version of this week’s edition of THE SOCIAL SCOOP weekly newsletter follows below! If you’re already subscribed, you’ll continue to receive The Social Scoop via email on Friday mornings. If you’re not yet signed up and would like to be, please enter your name and email in the box to the right (desktop) or below the post (mobile). Using social media as part of your marketing arsenal is not just smart; in today’s landscape, it’s necessary.But true, valuable social media marketing takes more than just an established Facebook page or occasional tweet. To see real results, it involves a strategy and tactics. Get more value from your social media efforts—and focus your efforts into more prosperous directions—with the following five tips. Stop thinking of your profiles as an obligation and start thinking about them as an opportunity.Your profile should do more than serve as a placeholder; use the space to add true value for your reader. What does your business do? Why should someone follow you (what’s in it for them)? This is your opportunity to sell yourself—so take advantage. And remember, your readers have short attention spans, so be direct.
Serving Nashville homeowners for 15 years” doesn’t say anything about what you do or how you’ll help the reader—it simply serves as a tagline. To be frank, it’s a bit lazy. Instead, try something like,marketing using social media “Helping Nashville homeowners to keep bugs out—and happy memories in—for more than 15 years.”It gives an idea of what you offer, addresses the audience, and provides an idea of the benefit.Or, try offering an incentive—for example, “Keep your home bug free for less! Follow our page for free DIY tips and a new coupon code every Friday!”Character counts can be a bit limiting, yes—but using those characters smartly will serve you (and your potential clients) well. Anyone can use social media—but not anyone can use it well. The difference between having a presence and having a presence that works for your business often lies in one simple thing: not being merely present. What does that mean? Well, as I like to put it, don’t be a zombie.People follow—and work with—other people and businesses that they feel an actual connection with. That means that you need to interact with your readers, for starters—but also that you need to do so in a human way.Consider dropping the formal business tone—you aren’t pitching a presentation here, you’re trying to have a conversation. So don’t be stuffy; be yourself! Before you start posting away on every known social media platform, just hit pause and consider what you’re hoping to accomplish. There are so many different sites now—and each with its own quirks and benefits—that trying to use them all is like trying to boil the ocean.

Even the most creative among us will burn out trying to constantly think of new, fresh topics. Instead, make use of what’s already going on around you. social media marketing university review Trending topics provide the automatic advantage of tying your content to something that people are clearly interested in (otherwise, they wouldn’t be trending topics). If you’re on Twitter, you conveniently have a list of trending topics displayed right on your dashboard.Buzzfeed is a great site for viral content—often that comes straight to you via your Facebook or other social media feeds.Reddit gives convenient tabs that allow you to quickly find topics sorted by newness, rising content, top content, and other categorizations.Since hashtags have become so commonplace—in and out of Twitter, try Notably, there are fee services for if you want to promote or measure your own hashtags, but there is a free component to simply find what’s hot in the now.Finally, Google Trends is a quick and easy way to find what people are searching for—in general or by topic. When social media first started, it was all about static updates but today’s social media landscape is filled with multimedia content. Think of how to show your audience rather than just tell them. How-to videos, parodies, funny animals juxtaposed with content—the ways to turn your content into videos is endless. Is everyone going to turn into a viral success? Well, no but if you hit the right audience, you can create great impact in your space.
Insights is Facebook's internal analytics tool that will help you measure and analyze the performance of your Facebook pages. disadvantages of social media marketing Clicking the "Insights" tab will take you to an overview of your page performance. You can then drill down into detailed information about your Page Likes, Post Reach and Audience Engagement. This is where you measure the success of your Post goals and, based on the data, make decisions on how to adjust your marketing to get the results you're looking for. As with anything, your bottom line should be about quality—not quantity.Don’t focus on the number of posts or the number of social media sites that you participate in. Instead, focus on interacting—consistently and in a way that adds value—on the right sites for your purpose.Testimonials are always powerful, and that rule continues on Facebook. However, it’s good to think outside the box when delivering testimonials on a social network. Rather than bland words, incorporate photos, videos, or other media.Facebook users love to get their voices out and feel heard. Try incorporating questions or surveys into your posts for engagement. Keep the questions simple though – no one feels like filling out the SATs on Facebook.Joining in on weekly movements like #ThrowbackThursday or posting about goofy holidays gives you a chance to have fun with fans.And, be more than present, but a part of your own conversation and find ways to provide value to your readers and co-conversationalists. Do this, and your efforts will start to pay off.
Serving Nashville homeowners for 15 years” doesn’t say anything about what you do or how you’ll help the reader—it simply serves as a tagline. To be frank, it’s a bit lazy. Instead, try something like,marketing using social media “Helping Nashville homeowners to keep bugs out—and happy memories in—for more than 15 years.”It gives an idea of what you offer, addresses the audience, and provides an idea of the benefit.Or, try offering an incentive—for example, “Keep your home bug free for less! Follow our page for free DIY tips and a new coupon code every Friday!”Character counts can be a bit limiting, yes—but using those characters smartly will serve you (and your potential clients) well. Anyone can use social media—but not anyone can use it well. The difference between having a presence and having a presence that works for your business often lies in one simple thing: not being merely present. What does that mean? Well, as I like to put it, don’t be a zombie.People follow—and work with—other people and businesses that they feel an actual connection with. That means that you need to interact with your readers, for starters—but also that you need to do so in a human way.Consider dropping the formal business tone—you aren’t pitching a presentation here, you’re trying to have a conversation. So don’t be stuffy; be yourself! Before you start posting away on every known social media platform, just hit pause and consider what you’re hoping to accomplish. There are so many different sites now—and each with its own quirks and benefits—that trying to use them all is like trying to boil the ocean.

Have a Goal for every Post
Now that you have everything setup, you're ready to start posting. Make sure you have a goal for every post and the type of content you post is aligned with your goal. los angeles social media marketingThese are the three main post types and the effect of each post type.If your goal is to generate traffic to a landing page, then have a link type post to pull fans through to that page. On the other hand, if your goal is to have fans share content with their friends, then use a photo or video type post. Basically, make sure the format matches the goal. In his online course "10 Mistakes People Make on Facebook Pages and How to Fix Them. Instead, take some time to build at least a basic strategy. For starters, consider who your audience is—then determine which platforms they most identify with (and use).For example, if you’re targeting late teens or young adults, Instagram may be a fit. Targeting an older business professional crowd? You aren’t likely to have the same success on Instagram, LinkedIn or Google+ might be more up your alley.Once you know where you’re posting, make sure you know who you are. Your goal is to become an “expert” and influencer in your niche… so determine exactly what that niche is. Then, find your own voice and use it to explain your own unique ideas and thoughts—there’s little value to come from simply restating what others in the field have done or said.In a word, focus. Focus your audience. Focus the social media platforms you use. Focus your niche. And focus your posts to that niche.Even the most creative among us will burn out trying to constantly think of new, fresh topics. Instead, make use of what’s already going on around you. social media marketing university review Trending topics provide the automatic advantage of tying your content to something that people are clearly interested in (otherwise, they wouldn’t be trending topics). If you’re on Twitter, you conveniently have a list of trending topics displayed right on your dashboard.Buzzfeed is a great site for viral content—often that comes straight to you via your Facebook or other social media feeds.Reddit gives convenient tabs that allow you to quickly find topics sorted by newness, rising content, top content, and other categorizations.Since hashtags have become so commonplace—in and out of Twitter, try Notably, there are fee services for if you want to promote or measure your own hashtags, but there is a free component to simply find what’s hot in the now.Finally, Google Trends is a quick and easy way to find what people are searching for—in general or by topic. When social media first started, it was all about static updates but today’s social media landscape is filled with multimedia content. Think of how to show your audience rather than just tell them. How-to videos, parodies, funny animals juxtaposed with content—the ways to turn your content into videos is endless. Is everyone going to turn into a viral success? Well, no but if you hit the right audience, you can create great impact in your space.
Getting Your Posting Time and Frequency Right
There's a lot of information out there on the best time to post on Facebook and other social media channels. The reality is there are too many variables for this information to be accurate. facebook social media marketing Your Facebook page is unique so you need to establish when most of your fans are on Facebook. To do this, go over to Insights and select the Posts tab. In the example below the highest fan engagement is around 1pm and continues through the afternoon. This is the ideal time to be posting, keeping in mind a post reaches 50% of its potential in the first 30 minutes. Once you start posting, you're communicating with your readers. Great! But are you asking them to take any kind of action? Or are you simply creating a dead-end for the visitor? You need to tell fans what to do next, otherwise they're simply going to surf away. In the example below, fans are informed about an event and invited to register for it by clicking the Register here button. The whole image is a Call-to-Action link and will take the visitor to a registration page. Make sure you track the right analytics and numbers in Insights. You don't want to waste time tracking numbers that aren't relevant to your business or marketing goals. Francisco Rosales from Social Mouths suggests a four step formula to make sure you're getting the most out of your analytics. Today's marketing is all about experimenting and testing new ideas. That's why it's important you set goals for all of your marketing initiatives. Have a clear goal for every post, analyze its performance and, if you aren't getting the results you want, then experiment with something else. Often the Posts you think least likely to have an impact bring the biggest results. So don't be scared to try something new, just don't be deceptive or mislead people.Insights is Facebook's internal analytics tool that will help you measure and analyze the performance of your Facebook pages. disadvantages of social media marketing Clicking the "Insights" tab will take you to an overview of your page performance. You can then drill down into detailed information about your Page Likes, Post Reach and Audience Engagement. This is where you measure the success of your Post goals and, based on the data, make decisions on how to adjust your marketing to get the results you're looking for. As with anything, your bottom line should be about quality—not quantity.Don’t focus on the number of posts or the number of social media sites that you participate in. Instead, focus on interacting—consistently and in a way that adds value—on the right sites for your purpose.Testimonials are always powerful, and that rule continues on Facebook. However, it’s good to think outside the box when delivering testimonials on a social network. Rather than bland words, incorporate photos, videos, or other media.Facebook users love to get their voices out and feel heard. Try incorporating questions or surveys into your posts for engagement. Keep the questions simple though – no one feels like filling out the SATs on Facebook.Joining in on weekly movements like #ThrowbackThursday or posting about goofy holidays gives you a chance to have fun with fans.And, be more than present, but a part of your own conversation and find ways to provide value to your readers and co-conversationalists. Do this, and your efforts will start to pay off.
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