It's no secret: I am the biggest fan of social media marketing. Why? Well for one, that's where everyone's at—or at least a good percentage of your potential customer base. According to eMarketer, nearly one in four people worldwide used social networks in 2013. marketing social media Eighty-one percent of those surveyed say that social media posts from friends and family directly influences their purchase decisions.Thirty-eight percent of moms say they are more likely to buy products from brands that other women like on Facebook.Seventy-eight percent of people say that a company's social media posts impact their purchase decisions.Nine out of 10 users say that they watch videos about the tech products they buy.Fifty percent of social media purchases take place within just a week of favoriting that same item on social media; 80% percent of purchases take place within three weeks.Interesting and compelling—especially for companies. Many marketers, however, remain unsure about the steps to take to implement the right social media plan for their companies. So, here I'm providing 10 social media marketing tips in 140 characters or less. Feel free to add your own in the comments, or tweet the ones here. Tweet a lot—like a whole lot because it drives engagement. Automate during your off hours because @Twitter never sleeps. People expect to hear from you at all hours.Don't overuse hashtags in your tweets; one to two per tweet—max.Put a budget behind your posts to amplify your messages; it's a great way to drive engagement and traffic.Don't sell on Twitter. Remember that social media is for socializing.
Don't just post a message; create social media campaigns.Be a resource, not an advertiser.Put pictures and media in as many posts as you can; they get more engagement. benefits of social media marketingEmbed links in your posts; they drive traffic.Ask your audience questions to drive engagement. People want to feel like you value their opinions. Effective marketing on Twitter doesn’t require a lot of time. In fact, you need to spend no more than 30–60 minutes per day (in two 15–30 minute blocks) on Twitter. Twitter is a remarkable social media platform for businesses. It’s a way to connect with new people, keep in touch with those you know, find out what’s going on in your world and get your message out there. And all in 140 characters!But if you’re new to Twitter it can be more than a little confusing. You’ve set up your account but just exactly what do you say? What sort of information should you share? What rules do you have to play by? Here are some tips for how to be productive during the time you spend on Twitter. Research shows that tweets without links get more engagement.Remember that not everything you tweet has to have a link. If you limit the number of links you share on Twitter, you’ll add value to the ones you do.For example, I tweeted this same quote with and without a link. Twitter is an excellent platform to build your brand and create trust, so spend time developing relationships with your followers rather than just sharing a lot of links.Plus, when you tweet fewer links, the people who trust you know whatever links you choose to share are likely worth clicking.

You can use any of these alternative hashtags or combine several of them for each tweet.Check Hashtag Relevance With RiteTagOnce you determine what hashtags you want to use, use a tool like RiteTag to find out how relevant they are. social media marketing strategies to RiteTag and sign in with (and authorize) your Twitter account. Then click the New button at the top of the page.In the Compose New Tweet box, type in your tweet. You’ll notice that when you add hashtags, RiteTag gives you a color-coded rating for each hashtag in real time. Green is good, blue is cool and red is overused. RiteTag also has a Chrome extension that shows the tool’s codes and analytics for your tweets whenever you use Twitter, Buffer, Hootsuite or another platform to compose or schedule a tweet.Using Hashtagify and RiteTag together is a great way to find effective hashtags for your tweets to get the most visibility and reach. Use these tools to do research and then build a library of hashtags for your future tweets. It’s no surprise that tweets with images stand out and get more engagement than tweets without images. Fortunately, there are a variety of tools you can use to find the right images to use in your tweets.Twitshot is an online tool you can use in any browser that makes it easy to find images to use when you share links. It’s also available as a Chrome extension and iOS app.Twitshot then searches for and lets you see all possible images that go with that link. Select one of the available images or upload your own image.Compose your tweet in the Twitshot tweet box and paste in the URL you want to share.
To compose a tweet in the proper format, you need to have all of the individual elements in the correct order.Start your tweet with text and then add a link. Make sure to include the attribution with @mentions if applicable. marketing with social media Then add hashtags and insert your image. Now that you know the rules for composing a tweet, you can break them for effect. Come up with multiple ways to tweet the same information to add variety to your Twitter stream.or example, rather than adding the article title, use an interesting or relevant quote from the article (attributing it to the author) with a link and hashtags. Another option is to start the tweet with a question that the article answers.Remember, don‘t start tweets with @Mention unless you’re replying. When you tweet with @Mention first, only the people who follow both accounts will see the tweet. Tweets that are replies to multiple people, on the other hand, are fine. The purpose of a quote before your retweet is to showcase your thought leadership by adding value. Your tweet should set up the promise of what clicking through to that tweet will deliver to your audience.It’s important to know where your audience is in the world, and then identify the best times to tweet to them. Next, go to Tweriod to figure out the best times to tweet for your audience. Sign in with Twitter and click the My Analysis button. The results let you see when your tweets get the most exposure and when most of your followers are online.To find out where the largest percentage of your Twitter audience resides, go to your Twitter Analytics. Click the Audiences tab at the top of the page and then scroll down to Country.
Don't just post a message; create social media campaigns.Be a resource, not an advertiser.Put pictures and media in as many posts as you can; they get more engagement. benefits of social media marketingEmbed links in your posts; they drive traffic.Ask your audience questions to drive engagement. People want to feel like you value their opinions. Effective marketing on Twitter doesn’t require a lot of time. In fact, you need to spend no more than 30–60 minutes per day (in two 15–30 minute blocks) on Twitter. Twitter is a remarkable social media platform for businesses. It’s a way to connect with new people, keep in touch with those you know, find out what’s going on in your world and get your message out there. And all in 140 characters!But if you’re new to Twitter it can be more than a little confusing. You’ve set up your account but just exactly what do you say? What sort of information should you share? What rules do you have to play by? Here are some tips for how to be productive during the time you spend on Twitter. Research shows that tweets without links get more engagement.Remember that not everything you tweet has to have a link. If you limit the number of links you share on Twitter, you’ll add value to the ones you do.For example, I tweeted this same quote with and without a link. Twitter is an excellent platform to build your brand and create trust, so spend time developing relationships with your followers rather than just sharing a lot of links.Plus, when you tweet fewer links, the people who trust you know whatever links you choose to share are likely worth clicking.

Don't agonize over what to say
Anything you say on Twitter stays in the general timeline and on people's minds for all of ten seconds. Unless you tweet something grossly offensive or rip-roaringly funny, people aren't going to remember what you said five minutes after you tweet it, using social media for marketing let alone what you said last week.You don't need to make your tweets profound. Your tweets can contain abbreviations, but remember that is it extremely important to your business’s image to spell words correctly and use proper grammar. Also, you don't need your tweets to always have a 50 percent click-through rate.Falling water drops wear away stone over time — likewise, it may take weeks, and maybe even months, before your frequent tweets lead to increased sales and become a viable marketing strategy. Be patient, stick with it, and just have conversations with people. Let them see the real you so that they can trust you enough to buy from you. If you want to get noticed, add hashtags that give your tweets context. It’s important not to overdo it with hashtags, however.Handy tools like Hashtagify and RiteTag can help you find the right hashtags to use.Find Hashtags With HashtagifyHashtagify allows you to search for a hashtag you want to use. In the Search box, type in your hashtag (socialmedia, for example) and press Enter. The results let you see the most popular related hashtags. By default, you see the results in Basic Mode view, which looks like a mind map. Everyone knows that tweets with images stand out, but not everyone takes the time to add them. Consistently incorporating images will improve your engagement.You can use any of these alternative hashtags or combine several of them for each tweet.Check Hashtag Relevance With RiteTagOnce you determine what hashtags you want to use, use a tool like RiteTag to find out how relevant they are. social media marketing strategies to RiteTag and sign in with (and authorize) your Twitter account. Then click the New button at the top of the page.In the Compose New Tweet box, type in your tweet. You’ll notice that when you add hashtags, RiteTag gives you a color-coded rating for each hashtag in real time. Green is good, blue is cool and red is overused. RiteTag also has a Chrome extension that shows the tool’s codes and analytics for your tweets whenever you use Twitter, Buffer, Hootsuite or another platform to compose or schedule a tweet.Using Hashtagify and RiteTag together is a great way to find effective hashtags for your tweets to get the most visibility and reach. Use these tools to do research and then build a library of hashtags for your future tweets. It’s no surprise that tweets with images stand out and get more engagement than tweets without images. Fortunately, there are a variety of tools you can use to find the right images to use in your tweets.Twitshot is an online tool you can use in any browser that makes it easy to find images to use when you share links. It’s also available as a Chrome extension and iOS app.Twitshot then searches for and lets you see all possible images that go with that link. Select one of the available images or upload your own image.Compose your tweet in the Twitshot tweet box and paste in the URL you want to share.
Don't read every tweet from the people you follow
The effective Twitter marketer is following, and being followed by, thousands of people. You just can't keep up with everyone. So, accept the fact that you don’t have time to read tweets from some people (okay, a lot of people). social media marketing manager Hundreds of affiliate marketers and spammers follow you, so ignore them. Find people in your industry, people in your city, and your customers. Keep your list of followers to just the people who write worthwhile tweets.Whether you use a third-party tool or Twitter itself, saving searches based on a keyword or phrase is helpful. Look for hashtag topics, keywords in your industry, or current events. Now, instead of having to scan every tweet for that elusive message about the Marble Collecting Convention, you see only the tweets related to that topic.weet whatever you want. Just try to add value when you can. For example, you can add value by telling people about breaking news stories, articles in a trade journal, new blog posts, and new resources or software. Don't send marketing message after marketing message. The number of acceptable marketing tweets seems to vary from expert to expert, but a good guideline is a maximum of 1:9 ratio.Consider a 1:15 ratio as a solid recommendation for your marketing tweet ratio. For each marketing message you send out, you should send out 15 messages that don't talk about your product at all. You can make those 15 tweets conversational, added value tweets, or even 140-character love sonnets about hazelnut cream cheese on a blueberry bagel.How often do you e-mail people? How often do you talk on the phone? How many days a week do you work? That's how often you should tweet.The following list provides a few solutions to finding the people whose tweets you want to read.To compose a tweet in the proper format, you need to have all of the individual elements in the correct order.Start your tweet with text and then add a link. Make sure to include the attribution with @mentions if applicable. marketing with social media Then add hashtags and insert your image. Now that you know the rules for composing a tweet, you can break them for effect. Come up with multiple ways to tweet the same information to add variety to your Twitter stream.or example, rather than adding the article title, use an interesting or relevant quote from the article (attributing it to the author) with a link and hashtags. Another option is to start the tweet with a question that the article answers.Remember, don‘t start tweets with @Mention unless you’re replying. When you tweet with @Mention first, only the people who follow both accounts will see the tweet. Tweets that are replies to multiple people, on the other hand, are fine. The purpose of a quote before your retweet is to showcase your thought leadership by adding value. Your tweet should set up the promise of what clicking through to that tweet will deliver to your audience.It’s important to know where your audience is in the world, and then identify the best times to tweet to them. Next, go to Tweriod to figure out the best times to tweet for your audience. Sign in with Twitter and click the My Analysis button. The results let you see when your tweets get the most exposure and when most of your followers are online.To find out where the largest percentage of your Twitter audience resides, go to your Twitter Analytics. Click the Audiences tab at the top of the page and then scroll down to Country.
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