If you’re one of those people who thinks that the new year is a good time to post an updated profile picture to your Pinterest page and other social media sites, I would agree.
social media marketing trendsVisuals are a key component of many social networks. Let’s face it: We have all shaken our heads those unfortunate profile photos of people doing tequila shots in their bathrobe. Don’t let this be you.Some people even think that foregoing a profile photo is OK. It isn't. By some accounts, social media profiles with photographs are seven times more likely to be viewed than those without. The picture you choose may seem like a simple thing, but it can have an immediate and weighty impact on a potential customer's first impression of you and your business.If you use a personal photo rather than one of your business logo, here are seven things to keep in mind when selecting an image.Chinese mochi-ring donuts, Korean banana donuts, Thai chicken-and-chile donuts and German flower-shaped donuts are featured on the international page, just one of more than a dozen boards that make up the site. There's even a section called "Cooking w/ Dunkin'" with recipes such as a mole sauce that makes use of the brand's coffee.We buy the same sneakers as sports stars. Drink the same cola as rock stars. Wear the same clothes as movie stars. But sadly, we've had no role models when it comes to where we get our hair cut. Until now. Supercuts' Rock the Cut, launched last March, is a multifaceted social media campaign, with commercials featuring musicians talking about their experiences at the salon franchise. But most important has been the Artist Ambassador program, in which the brand enlisted musicians in cities across the U.S. to talk about Supercuts on their social media accounts, reaching a total of more than 6.5 million fans.
social media marketing new york Add to that a Supercuts-backed iHeartRadio channel, a website full of free music downloads and promotions with Live Nation, and Supercuts is positioning itself to be to music what Red Bull is to extreme sports. We applaud the effort. But please, Supercuts, we're begging--don't let your musicians bring back the mullet.
Go light on the airbrushing
If you’re 50 years old and have no wrinkles, you just look like you are trying too hard.
social media marketing pdf Remember, people do business with people they like and trust. If you don’t look reasonably like your online photo when you show up to a meeting, your credibility is compromised, even if unconsciously, in the other person’s mind. It not only showed how the pickles were placed just so and the ketchup squirted on with a syringe; it also explained why the burger that comes in your bag looks a little worse for wear than the one in the advertisement (the gist: The bun shrivels due to steam). But that's not the only inside information at the McDonald's Canada website YourQuestions.Mcdonalds.ca, which answers dozens of customer queries forthrightly, sometimes with a full video for additional explanation. Consumers have asked questions like "Do you use laxatives in your creamer?" "Why don't McDonald's burgers rot?" and "Do you use snouts in your burgers?"--nothing is too weird. It's a win for transparency, and for marketing. But consumers, be careful: It's the type of site that can accidentally eat up your entire afternoon.Before the town-hall style second presidential debate in October, Pizza Hut made an offer: It would give anyone in the audience free pizza for life if they would ask the candidates that age-old question, "Sausage or pepperoni?" The reaction to the offer was likely not what Pizza Hut expected; it was decried by the media, the advertising community and customers as a gratuitous ploy for attention and for trivializing presidential politics. The company backed down, turning the promotion into an online discussion, and leaving the presidential candidates to answer more substantive questions from the public.
social marketing media Like "Boxers or briefs?"Donuts can be beautiful. And strange. That's the take-away after spending some time at the Dunkin' Donuts Pinterest page, the company's social media headquarters. Donuts, it turns out, are perfectly suited for that visual medium, and the fleet of goodies from Dunkin' is fascinating.
Stay within the size range for the site
For example, the exact size of your Pinterest profile picture is 160 by 160 pixels. Any image you select will be stretched or shrunk as needed to fit those proportions.
social media for marketing For this reason, the ideal image is a square photo around 200 by 200 pixels in size.If you follow these seven simple guidelines your picture will be heads and shoulders above most others on social media sites. So smile, say cheese and put up a pic that shows off your star quality. Sometimes one line can tell you more about a brand's personality than a commercial or press release ever could. A brief Twitter exchange in July between Old Spice, which is known for its tweets ribbing other brands, and Taco Bell conveyed the irreverent attitudes of both. When @OldSpice asked @TacoBell, "Why is it that 'fire sauce' isn't made with any real fire? Seems like false advertising," Taco Bell shot back, "Is your deodorant made with really old spices?"It's the type of humor that hits at both companies' 18- to 34-year-old male demographic, and the Twitter snark-a-thon that ensued was a hilarious win for all. (Although @OldSpice probably came out of the exchange victorious, ending the brief conversation by tweeting, "Depends.Charlice Noble-Jones opened the doors to her Hawkinsville, Ga., Snap Fitness franchise last January--without paying a cent. The fourth-grade teacher was chosen out of more than 2,000 entrants to win the Partner with Peter contest, a Facebook promotion in which aspiring franchisees submitted a 250- to 500-word essay to Snap Fitness CEO Peter Taunton for a chance to win a franchise valued at roughly $250,000. Noble-Jones--a widow and single parent who survived the 9/11 terrorist attacks while working in a building adjacent to the World Trade Center in New York--was informed of the decision at a surprise school assembly. Last we heard,
social media marketing course the doors to her gym were still open.You may have seen a video circulating on the web last summer showing how a photographer primped and prepped a Quarter Pounder With Cheese for a McDonald's photo shoot.
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