Monday, 4 January 2016

Things Entrepreneurs Should Be Tweeting About

Apart from creating a vibrant branded Twitter account for your startup, business owners should consider creating their own personal account on Twitter. Fans and followers often want to connect with the person behind the brand. social media marketing pricing Giving customers and prospects a glimpse into the entrepreneur's life and mindset can allow them to cultivate a deeper relationship with customers separately from the brand. The goal, of course, is to increase customers' loyalty to the brand.Sharing your recent purchases, such as music, video games or sports equipment can stir up comments and conversations from others that have bought similar items and enjoy the same kind of entertainment.One way to get people buzzing about your brand over social media is to "gamify" the experience and engaging users in fun ways, says gamification expert Gabe Zichermann. You can drive repeat traffic to your social channels by creating a contest or through longer-term projects that tie into the features of specific social platforms, such as Facebook, he says.An example is NBC Universal's USA Network, which collaborated with gamification firm Bunchball to create Club Psych, a web and social media project based on the TV show Psych that rewarded users with weekly prizes by completing challenges. "They challenged users with different questions and quizzes, and asked them to find various things inside the show over a period of time," Zichermann says. "They doubled their traffic on social media using gamification, and so can you."Like the cost-conscious young women they seek to outfit, the owners of online clothing boutique Shopatrend have plenty of style but little money to spend, especially on business functions such as marketing. So sisters Jennifer, social media marketing blog Elizabeth and Victoria Acosta, who started Shopatrend in September 2011, are leveraging their keen visual sense to market their company at little cost through social photo service Instagram."It is an extremely powerful marketing tool," Jennifer Acosta says. "What makes Instagram so valuable is that it provides immediate feedback about what people like and what they don't."
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Pictures of unusual things you see

If something catches your attention, it's probably going to catch the attention of others, too. social media marketing experts So why not share it? This includes visually impressive products, food and architecture.Not replying to comments on your blog or over social media is no different than starting a conversation with someone and then ignoring their response. Actively monitoring comments and questions on every post can be time consuming, but even posting one follow-up comment per post can show you care and that you're engaged.Quotes from sports heroes, military leaders and artists can teach us about innovation and leadership, which are essential to business success.Your website should already have a social look and feel. If it does not, there is your first disconnect. Do you have a photo gallery of customers using your products? Do you have positive customer testimonials on your website?Make sure you temper the promotional aspect of these elements by having customers talk about how your product solved a problem for them. Have you got a video player on your website? It doesn't need to feature videos that you have produced. It could include how-to or informational videos that revolve around your product sector. You can run polls, contests, guest blogs, story-telling micro sites, and many other customer-oriented features on your website.The more you can get people coming to your website and sharing it with others the less you need to worry about Facebook.More small-business owners are focusing their marketing efforts on social media than in years past. According to a recent survey from Vertical Response, a small-business marketing company, 66 percent of small businesses are spending more time on social media compared to last year. Facebook dominates, social media marketing articles with 90 percent of small businesses surveyed actively posting, and Twitter comes in second with nearly 70 percent of small businesses tweeting at least once in a while.The company surveyed 462 small businesses, most with 100 or fewer employees on how much time they spend on social media activities.Below is an infographic that highlights their findings.

Wisdom from the book you're reading

When you hit a "golden nugget" of wisdom in a book, share it. It not only shows that you're well read, but that you value wisdom. social media marketing dallas Those are two things that can only help your reputation.Social media is not the place to work out your problems with people. It's no different than yelling insults at someone in public or raising your voice at a retail store employee. Yes it gets peoples' attention, but that's not the kind of attention you want.Unfortunately, the higher you climb in social media, the more people will want to throw stones at you. But don't retaliate publicly. Simply delete the negative comment, block the person and then decide if you want to address the issue privately, or just move on.The greatest links you can share are links to your personal work, but don't limit that to what you do professionally only. If you have a hobby or passion for something creative, share it.Los Angeles-based Shopatrend has more than 20,000 followers on Instagram, with about 1,000 new followers signing on to see the company's snaps each week. Subscribers view a steady stream of images on their smartphones or at Followgram, a web-based Instagram photo viewer. "It creates a unique relationship with our customers," Acosta says.Photos showcase the hip and stylish lifestyle that customers either have or aspire to have. Images go far beyond clothing, to people, animals and interesting objects or designs. For example, one Instagram photo that captured 867 "likes" depicts nail art featuring typeset words."People wind up with a pretty good idea of who we are, what we think about and how we feel," Acosta notes. The images and the overall sense of personality, in turn, help define and frame the brand. learn social media marketing "We want to create an ooh and aah effect so they will keep coming back and, along the way, buy things," she says.Acosta typically posts several photos per week. "Instagram is appealing because it's different than other social media sites. It's an album filled with pictures. It's direct and straight to the point," she explains.

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