Monday, 11 January 2016

Techniques That Will Double Your Social Media Content With Half the Effort

Too often, doing social media can become a pain. This is especially true for startup environments, run by busy people with more “important” things to do than post on Twitter and check on Facebook engagement levels. los angeles social media marketing But we all know, deep down inside, that social media is important. And we know that we have to do it.So we might as well figure out how to do more social media in less time and with less effort.The following tactical methods have been proven to produce twice the amount of social media with only half of the effort. The great thing about this approach is that higher output on social media generally produces a greater level of engagement.When you create a social media schedule, you immediately reduce the level of consistent effort required throughout the day.The inherent advantage of social media is also its disadvantage. True, you can keep your brand message and presence in front of people all the time, but this requires consistent output and daily effort.When you unplug from one task to “quickly” post to social media, you’re doing yourself a serious disservice.You waste time on your current task by having to pause and then come back to it. Even if it takes just a couple minutes to post to social media, you’ve lost your entire train of thought on the project that you were working on. A couple of minutes interruption may require double that amount just to move your mind back to the point where you left off.You waste time on social media by having to reopen your social media tools or log into the accounts again. Keep in mind that every task has a cluster of other related tasks that require time. social media marketing university review For example, if you’re not using a social media management tool, you may have to log into the business Twitter account. But in order to do that, you have to find the password. And in order to find the password, you have to look it up in an encrypted password file. And in order to do that, you have to find the file in your company’s intranet. It goes like this for every little task we have to do. What all this amounts to is a lot of wasted effort.
social media marketing strategy

Create a collection system for content

The system you choose is totally up to you, but let me provide a suggestion. I use Evernote along with the Evernote Chrome extension. In my Evernote folder, I can create a specific folder for things I want to collect and share later. facebook social media marketing Whenever I come across something interesting to post on social media, all I do is click the Evernote button in my browser.From there, I can adjust how I want this article to be saved for future reference. I’m putting it in a sub-folder of my social media folder called “Business Ideas.” I’m saving the “Bookmark,” not the entire article, and I’m tagging it with “social media.” I’ve also added a quick note: “This would be a good one to post on Tuesday.When I click “save,” I now have this article saved in Evernote. When it’s time to schedule my articles for posting, I simply open up the correct Evernote folder and go to my saved bookmark.This is nothing more than a collection system. I’m simply taking the process of collecting content, and distilling it to a quick-and-easy process.As I move throughout my day, checking emails, visiting websites, doing research, etc., I will come across interesting articles, studies, or websites that I’d like to share. All I do is click my Evernote extension, and I’m done. It’s saved for the next day’s scheduling session.Food was the most prominent category of content followed by lifestyle, parenting, beauty and DIY/crafting. Health, fashion, entertainment, music, pop culture and video games ranked on the list as well. Social media (eighth), technology (11th), advertising (12th) and business (20th) were as well. Social-media paid-sponsorship posts ranked eighth on the category. disadvantages of social media marketing This tells me social-technology companies are spending an inordinate amount of money sponsoring social compared to other industries because social is a very small, defined niche of content compared to other verticals. Twitter, Facebook and the good, old, trusty blog were the top three networks used for sponsored social according to the creators. Instagram and Google+ were close behind with YouTube and LinkedIn next in line.

Create a focused time for content discovery

Another way to reduce your overall effort is to create a focused time for discovering great content.Buffer has an article on “Always Have an Amazing Link to Share,” in which they discuss some of the most effective places to find great content. hotel social media marketing This is a great starting point for discovering great links to share via social media.You should also do some spadework to discover your own content. I suggest a technique in my Buffer article, that requires spending just thirty minutes to come up with content to post for several days.This goes back to my whole thesis: With half the effort, you can produce double the content. You just have to be smart, scheduled, and intentional about it.KCAA radio personality Aaron Michael Sanchez, who is an entrepreneur and a consultant for my Money Talk show, observes that that women's influence can even extend to men’s products and services. “If you do a men’s line I guess then I would shift it to bring in the woman’s view point.While every social media platform has its nuances, entrepreneurs should develop a social-media strategy that includes Twitter at its core. Entrepreneurs need to translate their messaging into 140 characters and include effective enhancements such as photos, links and video.And entrepreneurs should try to nudge users from social media platforms onto company websites. This strategy requires not only engaging and thoughtful content but also optimizing website for mobile access. “With increasing smartphone usage, making a website that is friendly to smartphone users has now become a critical part of website management,” Google stated. atlanta social media marketing To their credit, 92 percent of creators were at least aware of the Federal Trade Commission’s guidelines around disclosure for receiving payment for endorsement or promotion. Unfortunately, marketers have a ways to go. Only 71 percent were aware of FTC guidelines in the space. That will need to change, so be aware of the disclosure guidelines.

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