Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Marketing to Millennials? Make It Personal and Customized

The millennial generation in the United States is not only the largest population cohort it’s also the most racially diverse and highly educated generation in American history. In the last U.S. Census, 18- to-32-year-olds outnumbered even baby boomers. social media marketing software As the buying power of millennials increases, entrepreneurs seeking their business must understand that members of this generation expect to be treated as individuals.Plus, representatives of this tech-savvy, media-connected generation tend to be independent politically, a trait that carries over into their personal lives. Millennials are postponing marriage, and record numbers of them, compared with previous generations, say they have no religious affiliation. And although millennials tend not to be a trusting lot, they are optimistic about the future.This includes consideration for typography, colors, photography style and illustrations, which all contribute to your visual language and orchestrate the first impression.Unless you're Google, McDonald's or Apple, chances are slim that people will suddenly think of the name of your business when making a purchase. For the lucky few companies with marketing budgets eclipsing the GDP of most small nations, awareness is part of their everyday existence. For the rest of businesses, however, the customer buying cycle begins with a hopeful greeting.In the digital age, customer greetings occur online. As many as 56 percent of marketers use various technologies to cut through the noise of competitors. There’s a good reason why. According to one study, 91 percent of online adults use social media regularly. Another study show 77 percent of business-to-consumer how to use social media for marketing and 43 percent of business-to-business enterprises acquired a customer through social media in the past 12 months.From an inbound-marketing standpoint, social media is about a brief impression. During the awareness phase, buyers are not yet ready to commit to one company or another, so statistics comparing the competition are likely to be seen as overly aggressive.
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One size does not fit all

The look and feel of a customized product is important to members of this generation who are growing up in a society far more diverse and embracing of diversity than preceding generations. social media marketing courses This affects their taste in consumer goods and how they are marketed to.For example, a few years ago when American Express realized the need for a financial product tailored to millennials, my company, Lucule, helped conceive a credit card that would give users customizable features, access to exclusive entertainment deals and targeted savings opportunities on products and experiences of interest to this generation.Have you scanned a fashion magazine lately? Or browsed a fashion website? Not only will you see racial diversity, but also diverse body types, people with physical disabilities and nontraditional family groupings. In other words, millennials want assurance that they are dealing with a business whose face looks like "me and my friends." Design at its best treats its audience with respect. It initiates dialogue, invites participation, exceeds expectations and creates an emotional bond.As Maya Angelou once said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Design conversations with your audiences. They will show their appreciation in referrals, loyalty and more business.Instead of saying "I love you" on the first date, make a charming first impression instead. Publish content on your social-media accounts and pair it with a photo or video that is digestible, entertaining and informative. Keep it succinct. For a snowboarding shop, this could include an Instagram photo of fresh powdery snow. social media marketing b2b For an industrial supplier, this may be a "Will It Blend?" type video showing the lighter side of commercial products.Not all human beings are 100 percent rational. If that were the case, then the company that developed the best product at the lowest price would win the buyer's affections without fail. Instead, purchases are often motivated as much by emotion as they are by cold, hard stats.

Earn millennials’ business by doing good

A recent study by Cone Communications, a public relations firm specializing in cause marketing, found that “millennials are hyperaware of, and have high expectations for, corporate social responsibilitysocial media marketing for small business efforts to make the world a better place for themselves and broader society.” Indeed, millennials will switch from companies that do nothing in this areana to ones that publically share their values.Successful entrepreneurs understand this. Last year Stephanie Daniels started her gateway shopping site PopNod with millennials in mind. She explained in a recent interview that her site empowers “people to change the world by combining shopping and saving with giving.” Shoppers who use PopNod can click on a store website of their choosing and receive cash back on their purchases, PopNod also donates to the shopper’s charity in an amount based on the cash-back savings.Any new business launching today should create such a socially aware site, provided that it is in support of a belief their company truly holds. Tell on the corporate website the story of why the company did something and why the entrepreneur believes in it. Empathize with customers about why the company's activism is important.Emphasize authenticity and transparency. Millennials respond positively to these characteristics, attracting both loyal consumers and brand ambassadors. Without a company's expressing an entrepreneur's feelings and passion, even if what the firm has done is positive, millennials will see the effort as a business ploy.Efforts to pitch to the unconvinced are likely to scare away customers not yet sure of the full scope of their needs.Short, interesting, entertaining and friendly. Pair your messaging with compelling visuals to cut through the sea of Facebook feeds. social media marketing job descriptionFinally, show off your personality and knowledge without coming off as aggressive. Social media is about a handshake, and no one likes having their hand crushed by an over-eager stranger.Perhaps the most profound effect of successful inbound marketing is felt at this step, when buyers must make a decision based on trust, "gut" and emotional attachment to one business or another.

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