Monday, 11 January 2016

Introducing the Power Users of Social Media You Want to Reach

Many probably believe milllennials are the most active and influenced users of social media since representatives of this generation have played with electronic gadgets and computers earlier than members of any other generation. learn social media marketing Younger users are more susceptible” to social-media messages, especially those emanating from influential users, Brock University professor Anteneh Ayanso wrote in his new book Harnessing the Power of Social Media and Web Analytics.Yet during a recent Money Talk radio interview on KCAA, Vanessa DiMauro, CEO of Leader Networks, shared the results of a study she conducted with Don Bulmer showing that marketers would be wise to think about their audience not so much by generation but rather by gender. “Women were two times more likely to turn to social channels to inform their decisions about purchases than men -- at all age groups,” she said.It’s fair to note that the survey’s definition of sponsored social focuses specifically on a brand or company paying a blogger or online influencer to write, tweet, post or otherwise share a given product or service with his or her network. It does not take into account paid social advertising like when a brand uses Facebook’s Sponsored Posts on its own content. That would certainly tilt the scales to show that social advertising overall has overtaken other avenues of spend to reach consumers. Perhaps that balances the bias in the survey panel, perhaps it doesn’t. But we can at least draw a broad assumption that spending money to gain endorsement is a growing trend and thought of well by those who do it.Back in June 2012, Alexis C. Madrigal observed in "Sorry, Young Man, importance of social media marketing You're Not the Most Important Demographic in Tech," an article in the Atlantic, "Women are the fastest [growing] category and biggest users on every social networking site with the exception of LinkedIn. Women are the vast majority owners of all internet enabled devices -- readers, healthcare devices, GPS -- that whole bundle of technology is mostly owned by women.
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Numbers and sentiment outside branded profiles matter

It’s easy to get wrapped up with what’s happening on your organization’s social media profiles and forget to look at the broader universe of Facebook, Twitter, or other platforms. social media marketing agencies A narrow view could cause you to miss out on additional opportunities.Not everyone will tag your brand when talking about his or her experiences, good or bad; a relative few will go to your page to talk about the brand.Taking time to look at what those on social media are saying about you can help managers respond to other customer service issues, get ahead of trends or problems, and monitor brand sentiment.While the study’s impression is that sponsored social is suddenly shifting to be a nearly universal marketing activity, let’s also be fair. The survey was a sampling of a national panel who had some level of accountability or familiarity with sponsored-social marketing. It didn’t include those not accountable or familiar with the topic, so if that universe is vast, the numbers may not be all that impressive. Despite the bias, however, the numbers are quite interesting and have implication for marketers and business owners, large and small.Global communications firm Weber Shandwick concluded in its December 2012 study "The Women of Social Media," that “the overwhelming majority of North American women are on social media." Cautioning that different women harbor different social preferences, Weber Shandwich said, "their social connectivity is far-reaching and their potential exposure to brand messages is high. Marketers do not want to overlook the opportunity to engage with women on social media. search and social media marketing DiMauro said the profile of the dominant social-media advocate is a woman who is younger than 35 and an active Twitter user who has begun to experience an improved personal-financial position and accesses the Internet via a mobile device.he also observed that “women placed a much higher importance on the degree to which a company commits to operating with a social conscience.

Context is everything

Looking at social media analytics can confuse even the most seasoned communications pro; if it’s confusing to you, chances are, your company executives aren’t getting it, either. social media marketing applications It’s important to have a social media manager or team members who understand the context surrounding social media measurement.Not only should they be able to evaluate marketing and PR efforts (adjusting them as needed), they should be able to explain what the numbers mean to anyone and everyone in your company who ought to know.I think that you’re probably north of 90 percent at this point,” he says, referring to the percentage of publishers, bloggers and influencers who are open to sponsored social. “There are still some holdouts that I would say are more traditional journalists who consider it an ethical issue. At the same time, the New York Times is selling sponsored posts. The question is no longer, ‘can you,’ or ‘is it ethical?’ The question is, ‘How are you doing it?’ Are you being transparent, disclosing properly and does the audience understand the content is sponsored, authentic and fair? If it becomes an infomercial and people feel like they’ve been tricked, it doesn’t work.Murphy says the audience is the most important part of sponsored social. Without the audience, the publisher has no opportunity to monetize.So when a company is doing good [and] sharing information about [its] social impact, women were more likely to affiliate with that organization and share that information.Thus, entrepreneurs who plan to use social media should aim to clearly understand women's needs as consumers. marketing using social media Such efforts can be beneficial in persuading them to share their positive experiences on social networks.Marketing expert Adri Miller Heckman has described the value of focus groups: “In a group setting by simply asking the right open ended questions the women will immediately begin sharing their thoughts and ideas with you as well as each other eventually driving the whole conversation.

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